Past Events

Joining the financial elite, Expensya made its mark at the 13th Finance Leaders' Summit. Dive into a recap of our exciting participation.

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Stepping into the spotlight at the Accounting Summit, a premier event for accounting aficionados, Expensya seized the opportunity to meet with industry experts and delve into the latest trends and innovations.

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Expensya stood out at GBTA Europe, a cornerstone event in the business travel industry. Dive into the recap of our impactful engagement at this significant gathering.

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Expensya made its mark at Salons Solutions, a standout event gathering the who's who of business solutions to explore cutting-edge industry trends and innovations.

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Expensya made waves with its inaugural 'Meet & Greet', an exclusive gathering of our clients to discuss the impact of AI on the financial sector. Dive into the recap of this unforgettable rendez-vous.

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