Join TravelPerk with Expensya for the most efficient travel experience

Benefit from a fast and intuitive integration for a seamless experience. Take the stress out of managing business travel expenses and make your experience easy and hassle-free.

Rating stars

4.6/5 in Capterra

Rating stars

4.6/5 in G2

TravelPerk and Expensya will help you eliminate the hassle of paper receipts to generate automated one-click travel expense reports.

This integration will allow all travel expenses to be centralized and consolidated on a single platform. It will also benefit teams from more efficient management of their business trips and incurred expenses.

  • Reporting - Manage your travel costs with total simplicity.
  • Expense - Seamlessly integrated experience with TravelPerk to ensure all travel costs flow in real-time.
  • Smart Validation - Add rules to your expense to automate compliance with your company expense policies.
  • OCR+ technology - Retrieve accurate data using OCR+ smart recognition technology.

How does it work?

Ajoutez vos dépenses copy

Manage your business trip

TravelPerk offers a simple and transparent way to make, modify or cancel bookings. A wide range of executive accommodation and travel services cater to any budget without sacrificing quality.

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Synchronized Expenses

Expensya automatically retrieves expenses from TravelPerk. Make your reservations with TravelPerk and find all your expenses synchronized and listed within your Expensya account.

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Centralized Data

All your travel expenses are centralized in Expensya: this native integration ensures all travel costs flow in real-time. 

Expensya is connected to all major accounting and finance tools


Expensya streamlines how to manage professional expense reports.

Register now and enjoy 30 days free trial!